Forensic Science About Us | Eberly College of Science (2024)

About Us

Penn State Forensic Science offers students advanced, hands-on learning in crime laboratory methodologies and crime scene investigation techniques. State-of-the-art crime laboratories and crime scene training facilities are used to teach students the practices or modern forensics.

We offer both a BS in Forensic Science and an MPS in Forensic Science. Students can attempt to earn both degrees in five-years but they must do so through the Schreyer's Honors College IUG program. Students who are not in the Schreyer's Honors program are not able to earn the masters in addition to the bachelors degree. See the Schreyer's website for more information and admission qualifications.

The BS in Forensic Science degree program is a laboratory-intensive, science-based curriculum. BS students should expect to spend their first two years at Penn State taking courses that provide a firm foundation in several scientific disciplines such as Math, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Statistics in addition to two Forensic courses and general education requirements. We participate in the 2+2 program; students should be able to complete their first two years at any campus before transitioning to University Park to complete their degree. Third and fourth year students will take eight upper-division Forensic courses, supporting courses in other science disciplines such as Chemistry and Biochemistry, two elective courses, and any remaining general education requirements. The third and fourth year courses are largely dictated by which academic subplan or option a student chooses to pursue: Forensic Molecular Biology or Forensic Chemistry.

The MPS in Forensic Science degree program is a laboratory-intensive, science-based curriculum. The degree program is two years and requires students to complete a research project, paper, and presentation of their research within that time in addition to their coursework; there is, however, no thesis required. Students who are good candidates for the MPS program should have a degree in a natural science, such as Chemistry, Biology, Forensic Science, etc. Students should expect their first year to be an intensive introduction to a variety of topics and disciplines in criminalistics and their second year to focus more on their chosen emphasis of either Forensic Molecular Biology or Forensic Chemistry.

A Hands-On Curriculum

Penn State Forensic Science offers an immersive, hands-on experience for both graduate and undergraduate students. Laboratory course work is conducted by students, often in the form of mock cases, to teachinstruments and techniques used in modern crime labs, as well as forensic documentation. Research conducted by both grads and undergrads takes advantage of the wide array of instruments, techniques, and resources available to our students.

Forensic Biology

Students learn to process biological evidence samples such as hair, blood, sem*n, saliva, urine, etc.

Hands-on skills learnedinclude microscopy, pipetting, slide preparations, staining, presumptive and confirmatory color tests, DNA extraction and amplification.

Trace and Impression Evidence

Students learn to process fingerprint and shoeprint impressions, toolmarks and firearms impressions, as well as trace evidence such as glass, soil, minerals, hair, fibers,and gunshot residue.

Hands-on skills learnedinclude stereo light microscopy, polarized light microscopy, hair/fiber and bullet/cartridge case comparison microscopy, spot tests and microchemistry, and automated gunshot residue (GSR) analysis.

Crime Scene Investigation

Students learn to process crime scenes and properly collect evidence including fingerprints, shoeprints, blood, trace, firearms, and more.

Hands-on skills learnedinclude crime scene management; DSLR photography;use of alternative light sources;finding, enhancing, and collecting impressions; bloodstain pattern analysis; and firearmstrajectory and gunshot residue analysis. Coursework for the CSI lab includes multiple mock crime scenes in our Crime Scene Cottage facilities, we well as other campus locations.

Forensic Chemistry

Students learn to process paint, fibers, drugs of abuse and alcohol, explosives and smokeless powders, and more.

Hands-on skills learned include High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC), Liquid Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (LC/MS), Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry (GC/MS), Attenuated Total Reflectance/Infrared Spectroscopy (ATR/IR), Solid-phase microextraction (SPME), benchtop and micro-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM).

Forensic Molecular Biology/DNA

Students learn to process DNA evidence through DNA extraction, quantification, amplification, analysis, and interpretation of single source, mixed, and Y-chromosome samples

Hands-on skills learnedinclude DNA extraction techniques, real-time qPCR using the thermal cycler, STR analysis using capillary electrophoresis (CE), traditional Sanger and massive parallel sequencing (MPS), and DNAmixture interpretation software and statistical analysis.


Forensic Science About Us | Eberly College of Science (1)

FEPAC Accreditation

Both our graduate and undergraduate degrees are accredited by the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC). The mission of the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC) is to maintain and to enhance the quality of forensic science education through a formal evaluation and recognition of college-level academic programs. The primary function of the Commission is to develop and to maintain standards and to administer an accreditation program that recognizes and distinguishes high quality undergraduate and graduate forensic science programs.

FEPAC promotes academic quality through formal accreditation of forensic science programs. All programs that FEPAC accredits are located within institutions that are accredited by a regional accreditation organization. The FEPAC accreditation process and policies employ rigorous, consensus standards that assure and advance academic quality at accredited institutions. (source:

Our History

The Penn State Forensic Science Program was founded in 2005 by Dr. Robert Shaler, a 2012 recipient of Penn State Eberly College's Outstanding Science Alumni Award. We graduated our first student in May 2007 with their BS in Forensic Science degree; this year, over 40 students earned their BS in Forensic Science and another 8 earned their MPS in Forensic Science. We have grown quite a bit over the last 19 years! In total, our program has awarded 499 BS in Forensic Science degrees and 115 MPS in Forensic Science degrees from students from across PA, the US, and the world.

Program Enrollment

(Updated June 2024)

Undergraduate Forensic Science Majors

166 students

Chemistry track

84 students

Molecular Biology track

82 students

Graduate Forensic Science Students

12 students

First years

5 students

Second years

7 students

Graduating Class Sizes

(updated June 2024)

Forensic Science About Us | Eberly College of Science (2)

Forensic Science About Us | Eberly College of Science (3)

Forensic Science About Us | Eberly College of Science (2024)


What college has the best forensic science major? ›

Best Colleges for Forensic Science
  • Penn State University.
  • CUNY John Jay College of Criminal Justice.
  • Saint Louis University.
  • Texas A&M University.
  • Virginia Commonwealth University.
  • Kent State University.
  • Drexel University.
  • University of Cincinnati.
Apr 17, 2024

What is forensic science in college? ›

Forensic science is the application of scientific methods and processes to matters that involve crime or the public. People who work in forensic science solve scientific puzzles, testify as experts in court, and even sometimes help collect evidence at crime scenes.

What is the summary of forensic science? ›

Forensic science is a critical element of the criminal justice system. Forensic scientists examine and analyze evidence from crime scenes and elsewhere to develop objective findings that can assist in the investigation and prosecution of perpetrators of crime or absolve an innocent person from suspicion.

Is the University of New Haven a good school for forensic science? › rated the University of New Haven as the #1 Forensic Science Program in the U.S.

Is forensic science hard? ›

Becoming a forensic scientist can be challenging. Forensic scientists need a bachelor's degree and specialized training in areas like DNA analysis, toxicology and fingerprint analysis. Strong analytical and problem-solving skills help prospective forensic scientists succeed in this field.

What branch of forensic science makes the most money? ›

Forensic medical examiners are typically the highest-paid forensic jobs, making about $100,000 a year. However, rates vary from $70,000 a year to $200,000 or more. To become a forensic medical examiner, you'll need to become a licensed physician.

What are the 3 main functions of forensic science? ›

The three tasks or responsibilities of a forensic scientist are:
  • Collecting evidence.
  • Analyzing evidence.
  • Communicating with law enforcement and testifying at trials.

How many years is forensic science? ›

Bachelor's degrees in Forensic Science usually take 4 years to complete in North America, and 3 years if studying in Europe. In the case of a Master's in Forensic Science, you'll graduate after 1-2 years no matter where you study.

Do forensic scientists go to court? ›

Testify in Court as an Expert Witness

The forensic scientist will, at some point, have to testify. Testimony is the verbal statement of a witness, under oath, to the judge or jury. Forensic scientists are "expert" witnesses as opposed to ordinary or "fact" witnesses.

Which is the best place to study forensic science? ›

RankCollege/UniversityCourses Offered
1Gujarat Forensic Sciences UniversityB.Sc., M.Sc., Ph.D. in Forensic Science
2Amity UniversityB.Sc., M.Sc. in Forensic Sciences
3All India Institute of Medical SciencesM.Sc. Forensic Science
4University of DelhiM.Sc. Forensic Science
6 more rows

What is the best state for forensic science? ›

Highest paying states for forensic scientists
RankStateHourly Rate
2North Dakota$44.91
47 more rows

How hard is it to get into the University of New Haven? ›

University of New Haven has an acceptance rate of 91%. Half the applicants admitted to University of New Haven who submitted test scores have an SAT score between 1090 and 1270.

Is forensic science a useful major? ›

Majoring in forensic science can give you the advantage of having a wide range of career choices. From investigating financial crimes as an accountant to performing crime scene investigations to focusing entirely on documenting and analyzing fingerprints, there are many types of jobs you can find in this field.

What is the best field in forensic? ›

11 high-paying forensic jobs
  • Computer forensic analyst. ...
  • Forensic document examiner. ...
  • Crime scene investigator. ...
  • Forensic DNA analyst. ...
  • Forensic accountant. ...
  • Forensic engineer. ...
  • Forensic toxicologist. ...
  • Forensic analyst.
Apr 18, 2024


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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

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Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.